Chef Council
Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

Salsa, Tortillas, and Tradition:
CPS and Food Hero Partner for Hispanic Heritage Month

On Wednesday, September 27th, Chicago Public Schools participated in a remarkable Chef Council event in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, bringing together students from Farragut High School and Food Hero culinary school located in Chicago's vibrant Little Village neighborhood. With a flavorful twist on tradition, the students embarked on a culinary journey, preparing their very own pineapple salsa and homemade flour tortillas.

Five other Chicago Public Schools connected via Google Meet to join in the Chef Council event. These students and their dedicated Chef Instructors followed the expertly crafted recipes online while preparing the dishes in class. Chef Javier Haro, the founder of Food Hero, as well as the talented Chefs Herbert Delgado and Edgar Rodriguez, created an unforgettable experience that celebrated not only the rich flavors of Hispanic cuisine but also helped promote salsa which was part of the school food menu for the month of September.